Specialists in Automated Bagging & Palletising Systems

Aggregates, Sand and Decorative Landscaping Materials

Bulk Automation were recently approached by Westcott Sand and Aggregates Ltd, Devon, England, to a supply bulk bagging system suitable for a wide variety of Aggregates, Sand and Decorative Landscaping Materials. Following a site meeting and many discussions it was decided that the perfect choice was the BAB-180 with the built in weighing system and a filling time of under 20 seconds meant that the BAB-180 system was more that capable and allowed Westcott sand and Aggregates to build and expand their Sales.

Westcott Sand & Aggregates Ltd Directors Tim Edworthy and Matt Kenshole commented…

The installation went smoothly from start to finish and the bagger was delivered on time and within budget. This system is very user friendly and the Bulk Automation engineers were very helpful throughout the commissioning and training of our operators. The BAB-180 bulk bagging system more than meets our expectations and performance requirements, we are now able to increase our output safe in the knowledge that we are able to meet customer demand. The machine is very robust and we are sure it will serve us for many years to come! Bulk Automation will be our first contact for any bagging equipment we require in the future.

Directors Tim Edworthy and Matt Kenshole
Westcott Sand & Aggregates Ltd

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